The Blog

Tips to help you run your business

like a business

Twenty-Seven years ago I met a guy. Seven years later, I married him. Here’s what we learned about Love, Marriage, and Money. We can’t buy love. No amount of money will buy true love and genuine affection, so it’s important to remember that relationships should be based on mutual respect and understanding rather than material […]

Marriage, Money Fears

Love, Marriage & Money Lessons

Money saved together is just as important as money spent together.

It feels like every tax season, here comes Beyonce ready to take people’s tax refund. Some people think it’s brilliant, other’s think it’s predatory. Beyonce says, your budget is none of my business – and she means it. Love her or Hate her, her team is always strategic and intentional. Some people are willing to […]

Budget, Money Fears

Budget for your happiness — and that might include Beyonce tickets

Are you ready to make 2023 your best financial year yet? A simple yet comprehensive checklist can help small businesses take their finances to the next level. Follow these pointers to help set you up for success in achieving great financial health this year! Share this with a fellow business owner!

Small Business

23 Financial Tasks You Can Do In 2023

Don’t underestimate the power of a seemingly insignificant task like keeping receipts. It may not appear to be necessary, but it is absolutely necessary for accurate financial bookkeeping! Keeping good records will enable you to do the following: Prepare your financial statements Understanding the ins and outs of your business finances is no small feat, […]

Bookkeeping, Small Business

Bookkeeping series: Are you keeping your receipts?

Did you know that the number of fraud cases gradually increased during December? According to FBI reports, holiday scams are so common, especially during this time of the year. And as the holiday season begins, be aware that scammers will increase their efforts to steal as much as possible. Here are some of the three […]

Money Fears

Be Mindful of Fraudsters!

Three holidays (other than my birthday) that I look forward to every year are Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Christmas. Ok. Black Friday is technically not a holiday, but my birthday is definitely one. Thanksgiving for the family. Black Friday, because I get to go shopping for the family, and me, and business. Christmas for the […]

Black Friday, Budget, Small Business

Black Friday Budgeting for Small Business Owners

Money, like a scary movie scene where someone is walking down an old dirt road at night with only their flashlight to guide them, can cause panic and fear when you don’t know where it’s going or what it’s doing. To overcome those fearful thoughts, it’s important to be mindful of your money; rather than […]

Money Fears

5 Fearful Thoughts About Money & How to Conquer Them

5 fearful thoughts about money

You won’t feel alone in your photography business ever again. This was the goal of the Photo Cookout Conference, and it was met and exceeded! If you’re a black photographer, The Photo Cookout photography conference is where you should be. This conference was jam-packed with seminars, workshops, and photo walks led by some of the […]

Small Business

The Photo Cookout is the Place to Be for Black Photographers