Your Creativity Deserves Financial Brilliance 

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Bespoke financial guidance for creative solopreneurs

Financial Clarity
for the Creative Soul

You've built a business that's not just a business; it's a piece of your soul, a testament to your creativity, and a gift that moves you and others profoundly. Yet, behind the scenes, the financial side may feel like it's in a tangle.

That's where I step in. My mission is to bring clarity to your financial chaos, ensuring the backbone of your business is as strong and proud as the creative vision that inspired it. Together, we'll transform your financial understanding, allowing you to cherish not only the incredible products or services you've brought to life but also the financial success they generate. Let's make every aspect of your business a source of pride.


Your guide and safe person to discuss all things business and money. I help solopreneurs like you to run your business like a business so that you can use your money to live the life you dreamed of. 

I'm Pru!

 Your creativity has no bounds—your financial success should reflect that. Let's embark on a journey to financial clarity that honors your creative spirit and business acumen.

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Strategy Development: Receive a personalized financial plan that embraces the unique demands of your creative business, focusing on flexibility and growth.
Financial Assessment: We'll analyze your business finances to pinpoint exactly where you stand and where you aim to be.

Book Your Clarity Call: Start with a free call to share your vision and challenges.

Your Path To
Financial Clarity

Implementation & Support: Implement your strategy with my guidance, including regular check-ins and adaptive tactics to keep you on track.





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I love the idea of knowing that I can be scared to move in my business with you and still have the accountability to do just that. Also, the judgment free zone creates a safe space. 

"The judgment free zone creates a safe space. "

Trust her words and guidance. Also, to be confidential is a plus as making many bad decisions in the past. Your conversation has helped me to see better and that I can make a turn around for the better.

"Trust her words and guidance."

Talking to you felt like therapy for my finances.

"Felt like therapy"

It was a pleasure speaking with Pru. She made me feel totally comfortable even though we're talking about finance. She provided honest feedback and great guidance with no judgment. 

"Honest feedback and great guidance with no judgment. "

Pru owner of Master Your Mint, financial services was an absolute joy and life saver to work with. Very professional and knowledgeable with a true passion to help small businesses become profitable.

"True passion to help small businesses become profitable."

Thank you Prudi Pru for showing me financial freedom and living the life I dream of. I’m taking the family on vacation and don’t have a side eye looking for hubby to add to it.

"Thank you Prudi Pru for showing me financial freedom."

My photography business is not only growing in profits but I’m able to sustain it. I have learned so much on how to track my revenue, expenses, business taxes, money management and budgeting. Thank you for continuing to work on getting me together.

"My photography business is not only growing in profits but I’m able to sustain it. ."

Prudi Pru I’m forever thankful for your affirmation of getting clear on the financial part of my business.

"Forever thankful."

Big Big shoutout to Prudi Pru and the Master Your Mint Community for helping a brother make sense of my finances and get my business "cents" together.

"Big Big shoutout to Prudi Pru and the Master Your Mint Community ."

Client love




Dive Into Our Exclusive Tax Deduction List!
Boost Your Bottom Line: Explore Our Ultimate Tax Write-Off Guide!
Shhh... Insider Secrets to Slash Your Tax Bill Revealed! 

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Know Your Numbers • Feel Confident Have Clarity • Succeed

Master Your Mint