Budget for your happiness — and that might include Beyonce tickets

It feels like every tax season, here comes Beyonce ready to take people’s tax refund. Some people think it’s brilliant, other’s think it’s predatory.

Beyonce says, your budget is none of my business – and she means it.

Love her or Hate her, her team is always strategic and intentional.

Some people are willing to pay any cost to see her, even if they have to risk their rent money.

Here what I believe — you should budget for your happiness.
You’re in business (or go to work) so that you can earn money to live the life you’ve dreamed about.

For most of us, we can’t get everything that we want. We have to weigh our wants and needs alongside our money and financial goals. Life isn’t all about ‘making good decisions.’ Those responsible financial things are necessary but so is creating memories, enjoying life, and doing the things that make you happy, even though it may cost.

Balance is key.

Set financial goals.
Include your happiness as a part of those goals.

Create a budget that matches your money, goals, and happiness.

Live a wonderful life. Get Beyonce tickets if your budget can support, and it makes you happy. If not, restructure your budget so that you’re ready when she announces her next world tour.

Budget, Money Fears

February 5, 2023

Prudence Rufus