The Photo Cookout is the Place to Be for Black Photographers

You won’t feel alone in your photography business ever again. This was the goal of the Photo Cookout Conference, and it was met and exceeded!

If you’re a black photographer, The Photo Cookout photography conference is where you should be. This conference was jam-packed with seminars, workshops, and photo walks led by some of the industry’s most talented black photographers. It was an incredible opportunity to learn from, network with, and party with like-minded photographers who are the best at what they do. 

Here’s a quick rundown of the Photo Cookout photography conference.


If you’re a photographer, you’re probably aware of the importance of networking. Making connections with other photographers can help you discover new opportunities and open doors you didn’t think were possible. Attending a photography conference is an excellent way to meet other photographers and develop professional relationships with them. You never know who you’ll meet or what opportunities will present themselves as a result of attending a conference.

Learning Opportunities

Attending a photography conference is an experience that will surely help you grow as both an artist and an entrepreneur. You’ll have the opportunity to learn from some of today’s best photographers, many of who are also attending so they can share their knowledge with others on topics such as technical aspects or business strategies–whatever your interests may be! 

There were workshops covering everything including shooting in low light; pricing competitively among other things like marketing techniques. And don’t forget all those question-and-answer sessions where presenters get feedback directly from audience members

Get Inspired!

Finally, one of the best benefits of attending a photography conference is hearing the inspiring stories of other photographers about their journey and seeing how they started out. It can be uplifting for those who have lost passion in the art because of burnout or switching careers; seeing other people’s success can remind us why we got into photography in the first place!

A photography conference can be an amazing opportunity to meet new people and learn about the industry. And if you’re thinking about going, don’t miss out on The Photo Cookout! It’s one for the books!

I attended and spoke at the conference due to the generosity of 17Hats, AfterShoot, and Phaito.

Small Business

October 18, 2022

Prudence Rufus